AFLAC Benefit for MSEA Members

MSEA Now Offers AFLAC to Members:
MSEA recognizes the hardship all our members are going through with the
current state of the national and local economies. We also recognize the recent
increase to insurance premiums due to Public Act 152 and insurance
companies raising costs, is taking its toll. This being said, MSEA is a family and
families help uplift each other during hard times. This is why the MSEA State
Board of Directors decided to take action, and we will now offer supplemental
insurance coverage to our members at no cost. If you are a member with
MSEA, effective January 1st 2025, we will be purchasing you a AFLAC 24/7
Accident Insurance Plan at no cost to you. To be covered by this plan you
simply just have to be a member of MSEA, nothing else is required. AFLAC will
be reaching out to each and every one of you individually to go over the plan
details and update any information we have supplied. This is a HUGE benefit to
our members and will help offset some of the increases due to the prejudicial
legislation and the decisions made by insurance corporations.