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About Us

We are MSEA, Local 5!

The Michigan State Employees Association (MSEA)/AFSCME Local 5 of the AFL-CIO, is a public sector union representing primarily state, but also county and university employees.

Organized by 100 state employees in 1950, MSEA now has approximately 4,500 members. We believe every person working to make their communities safer, stronger and better deserves respect. We are a union of individuals, each with our own story, but we share a commitment to public service. We fight for justice in the workplace. We negotiate, not just for ourselves and our families, but to meet the needs of the people we serve. We are proudly committed to public service and we never quit.

Michigan State Employees Association:

•    to promote the general welfare of state employees.
•    to represent the individual employee in all matters.
•    to preserve a true merit system in Michigan.
•    to encourage high standards of employee conduct.