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February On the Radar

Erik Bailey
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Michigan State Employees Association

MSEA testifies before the Senate Labor Committee:
On Wednesday January 29th the MSEA MSP Spokesperson Clyde Gentry and
fallen MSP Motor Carrier Officer Daniel Kerstetter's widow Katie, testified on
behalf of MSEA before the Senate Labor committee. MSEA was asked to testify
on the profound effect of Speaker Hall's failure to send bills HB4665-4667 and
HB6058 to Governor Whitmer for her signature. MSEA was joined by fellow
Unions MCO, MEA, IAFF, MNA and the AFLCIO. Thank you to all who attended
displaying solidarity across the whole labor movement in Michigan.

Significant Arbitration win:
In January, MSEA was awarded a decisive opinion requiring the Employer,
specifically MDOT, to continue the practice of paying, in full, the cost of
prescription safety glasses for bargaining unit members. The case centered
around whether or not the Employer had violated Article 2 of the MSEA CBA
when they discontinued a economic benefits under conditions which they
previously granted. Ultimately the Arbitrator awarded in favor of MSEA and
agreed with the argument the Employer cannot unilaterally discontinue a
economic benefit without mutual agreement.

Secondary Contract Negotiations:
We have commenced secondary contract negotiations with the Office of
State Employer over all 16 departments we represent. Secondary
negotiations are limited to what is delegated by the primary agreement
and some topics include compensatory time, health and safety ,
protective clothing and uniforms. Your departmental spokesperson is in
charge of negotiations and if you would like their contact information vis it under the general information tab.