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January On the Radar

Ezra Kane-Salafia
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Michigan State Employees Association

MSEA and MCO win back pensions for Officers:
MSEA Public Safety Division showed up and showed out with fifty three
members at the Michigan Capital in December pressing Legislators to do the
right thing, passing legislation in both chambers adopting Conservation, Motor
Carrier and State Property Security Officers into the Michigan State Troopers
Hybrid Pension. This is a huge win for labor as a whole in Michigan. A similar 
package was introduced to adopt all State employees into the teachers
pension but did not make it across the finish line. This is a great first step but
the fight is not over until all State employees receive the benefits and wages
they deserve. Let us stand in solidarity and continue pushing Michigan to
become the leader in the nation for labor.

Michigan Legislature delivers relief:
The Michigan Legislature delivered a huge win for public employees with the
amendment of Public Act 152. PA 152 capped insurance costs supplied by the
Employer and prevented Unions from negotiating more than a 80/20 split on
premiums. This will allow Unions to again negotiate a more affordable split
during our next negotiation cycle but also give immediate relief for plans
currently at the cap once the cap amount is adjusted in April of 2025.

Leadership changes:
Effective December 22nd 2024, President Lounsbery resigned as
President to enter into retirement. Pursuant to the MSEA Constitution ,
VP Jacob Vansickle becomes President. President Vansickle appointed
Jacob Brown to the Vice President and Ken Lacinski to Secretary. We also
welcomed DNR Spokesperson Erin McRae, Region 2 Director Matt Dowell
and new Region 8 Director Dave Schaumburger, Congratulations!